Join The Spiritual School of W.E.S.H
Monthly Membership
The sanctuary;
Awaken Your Divine Essence in the Spiritual School of W.E.S.H
At the Spiritual School of W.E.S.H, we invite you to step into a divine awakening, to connect deeply with the truth of who you are and the limitless potential that resides within your soul. This is more than a school—this is a mystical journey where you will heal, grow, and evolve into the highest expression of your soul.
What is there for you?
* Monthly live Masterclasses
*Library of resources
*Soul Inspiration
*Healthy Fit Tips
Ebooks to guide you.
*School of Wisdom
*Direct interaction with Gwenda
* Be the first to know about events
* Members only offers​
Soul-Aligned Practices for Everyday Life.
Transformative Healing.
A supportive Community
Divine Wisdom and Enlightenment.
3 levels:
Level 1: The G.W.E.N.D.A. Method –
A prerequisite for entrance to level 2 & 3
A trans-formative pathway to awakening and aligning with your soul’s divine purpose, giving you the foundation for spiritual growth.
Level 2: The H.E.A.L. Method – 10 weeks, live sessions with Gwenda.
Harmonising your energy and life, guiding you to higher states of enlightenment and deeper inner peace.
Level 3: The W.E.S.H. Mastery – Move into spiritual mastery, where you fully embody your divine essence and begin to mentor others, guiding them toward their own spiritual ascension.
Exclusive by invitation
The G.W.E.ND.A. Method
Your Spiritual Path to Divine Alignment and Transformation
Level 1: The G.W.E.N.D.A. Method –
A Spiritual Pathway to Awakening and Divine Alignment the foundation for spiritual growth.
6-step pathway.
G: Gather – Open to Divine Presence
W: Witness – Observe with Spiritual Clarity
E: Engage – Deepen Your Connection to Spirit
N: Nurture – Honor the Sacred Within
D: Dedicate – Surrender to Your Divine Mission
A: Align – Merge with Divine Flow
Available as:
A paid on online 3 week guided DIY course.
The H.E.A.L Method
Transition from Awakening to Alignment
Cultivate Harmony and Enlightenment in Your Life
Level 2; The H.E.A.L. Method – A 10 week pathway of harmonising your energy and life, guiding you to higher states of enlightenment and deeper inner peace.
H:Harmonious- A Life Where Everything, including Mind, Body, and Spirit, is in Balance
E:Enlightened- Find your deeper purpose, wisdom, and self-awareness.
A:Aligned- Creating Inner Alignment to make decisions that reflect Your true self.
L: Life -Crafting a life that embodies balance, purpose, and alignment.
Presented in person with Gwenda over 10 weeks online. A certificate course.
Investment exchange $2,888
Mini workshops through the year.
The Spiritual School of W.E.S.H
Transition to Mastery and Mentorship
**By Invitation**
Level 3: The W.E.S.H. Mastery – Move into spiritual mastery, where you fully embody your divine essence and begin to mentor others, guiding them toward their own spiritual ascension.
*Length of commitment: 12 months.
Exclusive by invitation only.
*To become a registered teacher requires a further 6 months of study and tuition
W:Wisdom- Soul Expansion & Higher Awareness
E: Enlightenment-
Divine alignment & intuition development
S: Self Realisation-Mastery of life & inner peace
H: Healing-
Self-Healing & Energy Medicine
Tuition is online and in person ( where possible).
Must have completed levels 1 & 2 to receive an invitation to step into the Spiritual School of W.E.S.H .