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Join The Spiritual School of W.E.S.H 

Monthly Membership

The  sanctuary;

Awaken Your Divine Essence in the Spiritual School of W.E.S.H
At the Spiritual School of W.E.S.H, we invite you to step into a divine awakening, to connect deeply with the truth of who you are and the limitless potential that resides within your soul. This is more than a school—this is a mystical journey where you will heal, grow, and evolve into the highest expression of your soul.


What is there for you?

* Monthly live  Masterclasses

*Library of resources

*Soul Inspiration  

*Healthy Fit Tips


Ebooks to guide you.

*School of Wisdom

*Direct interaction with Gwenda 

* Be the first to know about events

* Members only offers​

  • Soul-Aligned Practices for Everyday Life.

  • Transformative Healing.

  • A supportive Community

  • Divine Wisdom and Enlightenment.

3 levels: 

  • Level 1: The G.W.E.N.D.A. Method

  • A prerequisite for entrance to level 2 & 3

  • A trans-formative pathway to awakening and aligning with your soul’s divine purpose, giving you the foundation for spiritual growth.

  • Level 2: The H.E.A.L. Method – 10 weeks, live sessions with Gwenda.  

  • Harmonising your energy and life, guiding you to higher states of enlightenment and deeper inner peace.

  • Level 3: The W.E.S.H. Mastery – Move into spiritual mastery, where you fully embody your divine essence and begin to mentor others, guiding them toward their own spiritual ascension.

  • Exclusive by invitation 

The G.W.E.ND.A. Method
Your Spiritual Path to Divine Alignment and Transformation

Level 1: The G.W.E.N.D.A. Method –

A Spiritual Pathway to Awakening and Divine Alignment the foundation for spiritual growth.

6-step pathway.

G: Gather – Open to Divine Presence

W: Witness – Observe with Spiritual Clarity

E: Engage – Deepen Your Connection to Spirit

N: Nurture – Honor the Sacred Within

D: Dedicate – Surrender to Your Divine Mission

A: Align – Merge with Divine Flow

Available as:

A paid on online 3 week guided DIY course.



The  H.E.A.L  Method
Transition from Awakening to Alignment
Cultivate Harmony and Enlightenment in Your Life

Level 2; The H.E.A.L. Method – A 10 week pathway of harmonising your energy and life, guiding you to higher states of enlightenment and deeper inner peace.

H:Harmonious- A Life Where Everything, including Mind, Body, and Spirit, is in Balance

E:Enlightened- Find your deeper purpose, wisdom, and self-awareness.

A:Aligned- Creating Inner Alignment to make decisions that reflect Your true self.

L: Life -Crafting a life that embodies balance, purpose, and alignment.

Presented in person with Gwenda over 10 weeks online. A certificate course.

Investment exchange $2,888

Mini workshops through the year.

The Spiritual School of W.E.S.H
Transition to Mastery and Mentorship
**By Invitation**

Level 3: The W.E.S.H. Mastery – Move into spiritual mastery, where you fully embody your divine essence and begin to mentor others, guiding them toward their own spiritual ascension.

*Length of commitment: 12 months.

Exclusive by invitation only.

*To become a registered teacher requires a further 6 months of study and tuition

W:Wisdom- Soul Expansion & Higher Awareness

E: Enlightenment-

Divine alignment & intuition development

S: Self Realisation-Mastery of life & inner peace

H: Healing- 

Self-Healing & Energy Medicine

Tuition is online and in person ( where possible).

Must have completed levels 1 & 2 to receive an invitation to step into the Spiritual School of W.E.S.H .  

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