Exclusively for Seekers of Soul Expansion & Gifted Souls

A sacred space for those who are born with higher awareness and those who seek to know the wisdom and wonders of their Soul. The Seeker is the person who knows they are different but does not "how or why."
Who is the Spiritual School of W.E.S.H. for?
Did you arrive in this world with the unique ability to see, hear, feel, taste, and sense other life forms and higher energies but don’t know how to harness or use your ability?
Are you struggling to live a balanced life because of what you see, hear, and feel?
Are you tormented by the spirit and the unseen?
Are you often left feeling left out or not understood, not having anyone to talk to who knows what it is like to walk in your shoes?
Do you want to harness your gift, to live a joyous happy life using your gifts?
Knowing the gift or gifts that have been granted, do you want to know how to be of service to others?
Is it time to embrace your gifts and delve into a higher level of knowing?
Are you the one who knows there is more to this life than can be seen but doesn’t know how to access this knowledge?
The one who feels different from others and doesn’t know why?
The one who wants to live a life through the wisdom and wonder of their soul?
Do you want to learn how to self-heal?
Would you like to embrace a higher consciousness, to see auras and energy fields?
Are you the seeker who wants to live an enriched, aligned life, being grounded and calm through your heart and soul?

More for The Spiritual School of W.E.S.H. Members
Join the Wisdom Circle, 2 days of intense learning and experiential experience in the magic of your inner power and self-healing, with Gwenda in person
Be ready for:
Experiential experiences
Deep awakening
Learning modules
Main: Online
A weekend ceremony of graduation for students who attend all modules,at the end of the course.
**Conditions apply**
time & frequency
1 hour live with Gwenda
and recorded classes
Tasks and assignments to complete between live sessions.
Live Q& A with Gwenda once a month.
**Members of The Sanctuary of Inner Mastery receive deep embodiment practice tuition with Gwenda. 30 minutes
Length of membership & course
12 months - 4 terms of 8 weeks
Learn to embody your gifts, enhance your abilities & awareness, through soul expansion and self realisation.
Soul expression
Option to become a registered teacher of
The School of W.E.S.H
Conditions apply
** further 6 - 12 months**.
The story The Spiritual School of W.E.S.H (Wisdom Enlightenment Self-Healing) was founded by Gwenda Smith a gifted spirited woman. Born with the ability to “see” what others could not, to hear and speak with Spirit, other beings, and animals. To channel the messages of Archangels and be an alchemist create magic, and the innate knowing of how the body can self-heal. This path has not been an easy one for her, but it is her calling, to be of service to mankind through the workings of the Almighty Divine. Over the years of her life, she encountered many children, and young people who were mortally wounded through the experiences they had been gifted In her adult years she met many young and older adults who were pained by the sensations and sensitivities they experienced. From all of this, she aspired to provide a dedicated sacred safe space of learning for the gifted and the sensitive souls, which she has named the “Seeker”. Over time her clients who found so much peace and harmony through her teachings have repeatedly asked that she create a course so they too can teach others. The School of W.E.S.H. was presented to her in meditation some years ago. As the shift of awareness and consciousness has risen over the past 10 years the foundation and formation of the School become more apparent. Gwenda had been continuing her work by way of tutoring and mentoring individuals, facilitating retreats nationally and internationally.
In 2018 an extraordinary visitation brought the School of W.E.S.H to its completion and bought it to BE. The School of W.E.S.H is a Legacy… At the age of 8 years, a young woman by the name of Shonagh met Gwenda.
It was at a time when Gwenda was requested by people to visit their home and present a “Witchy party” On meeting Shonagh, Gwenda said, “Well look at you little one, you are one of my kind”
The School of W.E.S.H is a legacy to the life of Shonagh, so, so tormented by her ability to see the aura, and energy bodies of everyone she met that she chose to leave this world. On the day we cast her ashes out the sea she came to me as I walked back to my car and said she wanted to ask something of me. I said anything for you to which she said “I want to ask you to look after the other people who are like me so that they can live their lives in harmony with their gifts/curses” It is a deep honour that I, bring the School of W.E.S.H to BE under the guidance of the Almighty Divine which to me is GOD.
Who The Spiritual School of W.E.S.H is not for:
You do not wish to apply and embody the practices
You who are stuck in old patterns of thinking and not willing to change
You’re not interested in exploring inner wisdom and personal power.
Want a cheat way to experience the sacred beings
Want to work with the darkness
Seeking karmic influence on someone else
If you don’t like nature
If you are looking for finite answers and textbook training
You only want a certificate of completion
You are not able to be respectful of different experiences than your own
If you are closed-minded
Believe in what you see rather than what you can't see.
An avid follower of mainstream media
Trusts in the Government
Perth, Western Australia
Tel: 614079398180